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Wildlife Camera Traps

An extension of our research in the San Jacinto forest, click below to learn more about the ongoing project!


We installed wildlife camera traps throughout our forest dynamics plot to gain a better understanding of the wildlife species, interactions, and activity to inform our current research on forest demography.



We placed eight wildlife camera traps throughout the forest plot, capturing photos and videos to (1) identify the unique species in the area, (2) estimate species occupancy  differences with location, and (3) to assess activity patterns of wildlife.


These figures describe the makeup of species found in the forest plot, categorized into large mammals, small mammals, and birds.

  • the charts visualize the make-up and identities of the species

These figures describe the activities (sightings) for different bird, small mammal, and large mammal species.

  • orange shades denote bird species

  • blue shades denote large mammal species

  • red shades denote small mammal species

These figures visualizes animal observations, dynamically showing month-to-month  (June to November 2023) abundances.

Preliminary Results

Latest Video Footage!


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