Academic Publications
Everest J.J., Cleemput E.V., Beamish A.L., Spasojevic M.J., Humphries H.C., Elmendorf S.C. 2025. Evaluating the utility of hyperspectral data to monitor local-scale β-diversity across space and time. Remote Sensing of Environment, 316, 114507. PDF
Henn. J.J., Anderson, K.E., Brigham, L.M., Bueno de Mequita, C.P., Collins, C.G., Elmendorf, S.C., Green, M.D., Huxley, J.D., Rafferty, N.E., Rose-Person, A. & Spasojevic, M.J. 2024. Long-term alpine plant responses to global change drivers depend on functional traits. Ecology Letters, 27, e14518. PDF
Collins, C. Dinwiddie, D. Pombubpa, N., McGuire, K., & Spasojevic, M.J. 2024. Soil mutualists facilitate the population persistence of an endemic plant outside its historic elevation range. Authorea. PDF
​Sudling, K.N., Collins, C.G., Hallet, L.M., Larios, L., Brigham, L.M., Dudney, J., Farrer, E.C., Larson, J.E., Chackelford, N. & Spasojevic, M.J. 2024. Biodiversity in changing environments: An external-driver internal-topology framework to guide intervention. Ecological Society of America, 105, e4322. PDF
Rose-Person, A., Spasojevic, M.J., Forrester, C., Bowman, W.D., Sudling, K.N., Oldfather, M.F., & Rafferty, N.E. 2024 Early snowmelt advances flowering phenology and disrupts the drivers of pollinator visitation in an alpine ecosystem. Alpine Botany. PDF
Oldfather, M.F., Elmendorf, S.C., Cleemput, E.V., Henn J.J., Huxley. J.D., White. C.T., Humphries H.C., Spasojevic, M.J., Sudling, K.N., & Emery, N.C. 2024. Divergent community trajectories with climate change across a fine-scale gradient in snow depth. Journal of Ecology, 112, 126-137. PDF
Huxley, J.D., White, C.T., Humphries, H.C., Weber, S.E., & Spasojevic, M.J. 2023. Plant functional traits are dynamic predictors of ecosystem functioning in variable environments. Journal of Ecology, 111, 2597-2613. PDF
Ramirez, J.P., Reeder, T.W., & Spasojevic, M.J. 2023. Extinction debt and functional traits mediate community saturation over large spatiotemporal scales. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92, 2228-2239. PDF
Brigham, L. M., Bueno de Mesquita, C. P., Spasojevic, M. J., Farrer, E. C., Porazinska, D. L., Smith, J. G., Schmidt, S. K., & Suding, K. N. 2023. Drivers of bacterial and fungal root endophyte communities: Understanding the relative influence of host plant, environment, and space. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 99(5), fiad034. PDF
Collins, C. G., Spasojevic, M. J., Pombubpa, N., & Diez, J. M. 2023. Legacy effects post removal of a range-expanding shrub influence soil fungal communities and create negative plant-soil feedbacks for conspecific seedlings. Plant and Soil, 485(1), 143–165. PDF
Krichels, A. H., Greene, A. C., Jenerette, G. D., Spasojevic, M. J., Glassman, S. I., & Homyak, P. M. 2023. Precipitation legacies amplify ecosystem nitrogen losses from nitric oxide emissions in a Pinyon–Juniper dryland. Ecology, 104(2), e3930. PDF
Madsen-Hepp, T. R., Franklin, J., McFaul, S., Schauer, L., & Spasojevic, M. J. 2023. Plant functional traits predict heterogeneous distributional shifts in response to climate change. Functional Ecology, 37(5), 1449–1462. PDF
Ramachandran, A., Huxley, J. D., McFaul, S., Schauer, L., Diez, J., Boone, R., Madsen-Hepp, T., McCann, E., Franklin, J., Logan, D., Rose, M. B., & Spasojevic, M. J. 2023. Integrating ontogeny and ontogenetic dependency into community assembly. Journal of Ecology, 111(7), 1561–1574. PDF
Díaz, S., Kattge, J., Cornelissen, J. H. C., Wright, I. J., Lavorel, S., Dray, S., Reu, B., Kleyer, M., Wirth, C., Prentice, I. C., Garnier, E., Bönisch, G., Westoby, M., Poorter, H., Reich, P. B., Moles, A. T., Dickie, J., Zanne, A. E., Chave, J., … Zotz, G. 2022. The global spectrum of plant form and function: Enhanced species-level trait dataset. Scientific Data, 9(1), Article 1. PDF
Green, M. D., Anderson, K. E., Herbst, D. B., & Spasojevic, M. J. 2022. Rethinking biodiversity patterns and processes in stream ecosystems. Ecological Monographs, 92(3), e1520. PDF
Lembrechts, J. J., van den Hoogen, J., Aalto, J., Ashcroft, M. B., De Frenne, P., Kemppinen, J., Kopecký, M., Luoto, M., Maclean, I. M. D., Crowther, T. W., Bailey, J. J., Haesen, S., Klinges, D. H., Niittynen, P., Scheffers, B. R., Van Meerbeek, K., Aartsma, P., Abdalaze, O., Abedi, M., … Lenoir, J. 2022. Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology, 28(9), 3110–3144. PDF
Reu, J. C., Catano, C. P., Spasojevic, M. J., & Myers, J. A. 2022. Beta diversity as a driver of forest biomass across spatial scales. Ecology, 103(10), e3774. PDF
Rixen, C., Høye, T. T., Macek, P., Aerts, R., Alatalo, J. M., Anderson, J. T., Arnold, P. A., Barrio, I. C., Bjerke, J. W., Björkman, M. P., Blok, D., Blume-Werry, G., Boike, J., Bokhorst, S., Carbognani, M., Christiansen, C. T., Convey, P., Cooper, E. J., Cornelissen, J. H. C., … Zong, S. 2022. Winters are changing: Snow effects on Arctic and alpine tundra ecosystems. Arctic Science, 8(3), 572–608. PDF
Samojedny, T. J., Garnica-Díaz, C., Grossenbacher, D. L., Adamidis, G. C., Dimitrakopoulos, P. G., Siebert, S. J., Spasojevic, M. J., Hulshof, C. M., & Rajakaruna, N. 2022. Specific leaf area is lower on ultramafic than on neighbouring non-ultramafic soils. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 15(5–6), 243–252. PDF
Spasojevic, M. J., Homyak, P. M., Jenerette, G. D., Goulden, M. L., McFaul, S., Madsen-McQueen, T., Schauer, L., & Solis, M. 2022. Altered precipitation has asymmetric impacts on annual plant communities in warm and cool growing seasons. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 10(1), 00014. PDF
Spasojevic, M.J. and Weber, S. 2021. Disentangling the role of shared ancestry and the environment on leaf stable isotopes. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 54(1):340-351.
Porazinska, D., Bueno de Mesquita, C., Farrer, E., Spasojevic, M.J., Suding, K., Schmidt, S. 2021. Nematode community diversity and function across an alpine landscape undergoing plant colonization of previously unvegetated soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 161: Article 108380. PDF
Sedio, B.E., Spasojevic, M.J., Myers, J.A., Wright, S.J., Person, D., Chandrasekaran, H., Dwenger, J.H., Prechi, M.L., López, C.A., Allen, D.A., Anderson-Teixeira, K.J., Baltzer, J.L., Bourg, N.A., Castillo, B.T., Day, N., Dewald-Wang, E., Dick, C.W., James, T.Y., Kueneman, J., Lamanna, J., Lutz, J.A., Mcgregor, I., McMahon, S.M., Parker, G.G., Parker J.D., Vandermeer, J. 2021. Chemical similarity of co-occurring trees decreases with precipitation and temperature in North American forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9(317). PDF
Sandel, B., Pavelka, C., Hayashi, T., Funk, J., Halliday, F., Harrison, S., Kandlikar, G., Kleinhesselink, A., Larios, L., Madsen-McQueen, T., Spasojevic, M.J. 2021. Predicting intraspecific trait variation among California’s grasses. Journal of Ecology. PDF
Huxley J.D, and Spasojevic, M.J. 2021. Area not geographic isolation mediates biodiversity responses of alpine refugia to climate change. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9(173). PDF
Colins, C., Spasojevic, M.J., Alados, C.L., Aronson, E.L., Benavides, J.C., Cannone, N., Caviezel, C., Grau, O., Guo, H., Kuhn, K.G., Müllerová, J., Phillips, M.L., Pombubpa, N., Reverchon, F., Shulman, H.B., Stajich, J.E., Stokes, A., Weber, S.E., Diez, J.M. 2021. Belowground Impacts of Alpine Woody Encroachment are determined by Plant Traits, Local Climate and Soil Conditions. Global Change Biology. 26(12):7112-7127. PDF
Iwaniec, D., Gooseff, M., Suding, K., Johnson, D., Reed, D., Peters, D., Adams, B., Barrett, J., Bestelmeyer, B., Castorani, M., Cook, E., Davidson, M., Hanan, N., Huenneke, L., Johnson, P., McKnight, D., Miller, R., Okin, G., Preston, D., Rassweiller, A., Ray, C., Sala, O., Schooley, R., Seastedt, T., Spasojevic, M.J., Vivoni, E., Groffman, P. 2021. Future trajectories for ecosystems in the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network: The importance of connectivity in space and time to ecosystem dynamics. Ecosphere. 12(5): Article e03432. PDF
Farrer, E., Porazinska, D., Spasojevic, M.J., King, A., Bueno de Mesquita, C., Sartwell, S., Smith, J., White, C., Schmidt, S., Suding, K. 2019. Soil microbial networks shift across a high-elevation successional gradient. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, 2887. PDF
Cecil, E., Spasojevic, M.J., Cushman J.H. Accepted. Cascading effects of mammalian herbivores on ground-dwelling arthropods: variable responses across arthropod groups, habitats and years. Journal of Animal Ecology. PDF
Thomas, H.J.D., Myers-Smith, I.H., Bjorkman, A.D., Elmendorf, S.C.,…Spasojevic, M.J.,…et al. 2019. Traditional plant functional groups explain variation in economic but not size-related traits across the tundra biome. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28(2): 78-95. PDF
Spasojevic, M.J., Harline, K., Stein, C., Mangan, S.A., Myers, J.A. 2019. Landscape context mediates the relationship between plant functional traits and decomposition. Plant and Soil 438(1-2):377-391. PDF
Bjorkman, A.D., Myers-Smith, I.H., Elmendorf, S.C., Normand, S., Rüger, N.,…Spasojevic, M.J.,…et al. 2018. Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome. Nature. 562: 57-62. PDF
Bjorkman, A.D., Myers-Smith, I.H., Elmendorf, S.C., Normand, S., Rüger, N.,…Spasojevic, M.J.,…et al. 2018. Tundra Trait Team: A database of plant traits spanning the tundra biome. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27:2 1402-1411. PDF
Porazinska, D.L., Farrer, E.C., Spasojevic, M.J., Bueno de Mesquita, C.P., Sartwell, S.A., Smith, J.G., Suding, K.N., Schmidt, S.K. 2018. Plant diversity and density predict belowground diversity and function in an early successional alpine ecosystem. Ecology 99(9): 1942–1952. PDF
Bueno de Mesquita, C.P., Sartwell, S.A., Ordemann, E., Porazinska, D.L. Farrer, E.C., King, A. J., Spasojevic, M.J., Smith, J.G., Suding, K.N., Schmidt, S.K. 2018. Patterns of root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizae and dark septate endophytes across a mostly-unvegetated, high-elevation landscape. Fungal Ecology 36: 63–74. PDF
Spasojevic, M.J., Catano, C.P., LaManna, J.A., Myers, J.A. 2018. Integrating species traits into species pools. Ecology 99(6):1265-1276. PDF
Van Horn, T.R., Adalsteinsson, S.A., Westoby, K.M., Brio, E., Myers, J.A., Spasojevic, M.J., Walton, M., Medley, K. 2018. Landscape physiognomy predicts abundance of the Lone Star tick, Amblyomma americanum (Ixodida:Ixodidae), in Ozark Forests. Journal of Medical Entomology 55(4):982-988. PDF
Wang, X., Wiegand, T., Anderson-Teixeira, K.J., Bourg, N.A., Hao, Z., Howe, R., Jin, G., Orwig, D.A., Spasojevic, M.J., Wang, S., Myers, J.A. 2018. Ecological drivers of spatial community dissimilarity, species replacement, and species nestedness across temperate forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27(5):581-592. PDF
Li, Y., Shipley, B., Price, J.N., Dantas, V.L., Tamme, R., Westoby, M., Siefert, A., Schamp, B.S., Spasojevic, M.J., Jung, V., Laughlin, D.C., Richardson, S.J., Bagousse-Pinguet, Y.L., Schob, C., Gazol, A., Prentice, H.C., Gross, N., Overton, J., Cianciaruso, M.V., Louault, F., Kamiyama, C., Nakashizuka, T., Hikosaka, K., Sasaki, T., Katabuchi, M., Frenette Dussault, C., Gaucherand, S., Chen, N., Vandewalle, M., and Antônio Batalha, M.. 2018. Habitat filtering determines the functional niche occupancy of plant communities worldwide. Journal of Ecology 106(3):1001-1009. PDF
LaForgia, M., Spasojevic, M.J., Case, E., Latimer, A.M., Harrison, S. 2018. Seed banks of native forbs, but not exotic grasses, increase during extreme drought. Ecology. 99(4):896-903. PDF
Butler, E.E., Datta, A., Flores-Moreno, H., Fazayeli, F., Chen, M., Wythers, K.R., Banerjee, A., Atkin, O.K., Kattge, J., Amiaud, B., Blonder, B., Boenisch, G., Bond-Lamberty, B., Brown, K., Byun, C., Campetella, G., Cerabolini, B.E., Cornelissen, J.H., Craine, J.M., Craven, D., de Vries, F.T., Diaz, S., Domingues, T., Forey, E., Gonzalez, A., Gross, N., Han, W., Hattingh, W.N., Hickler, T., Jansen, S., Kramer, K., Kraft, N.J., Kiroko, H., Laughlin, D.C., Meir, P., Minden, V., Niinemets, U., Onoda, Y., Penuelas, J., Read, Q., Valladares Ros, F., Sack, L., Schamp, B.S., Soudzilovskaia, N.A., Spasojevic, M.J., Sosinski, E., Thorton, P., van Bodegom, P., Williams, M., Wirth, C., and Reich, P.B. 2017. Mapping local and global variability in plant trait distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(51): E10937-E10946. PDF
Kimball, S., Funk, J., Spasojevic, M.J., Suding, K.N. and Goulden, M.L. 2016. Can functional traits predict plant community response to global change? Ecosphere 7(2): e01602. PDF
Chiang, J., Spasojevic, M.J., Muller-Landau, H.C., Sun, I., Lin, Y., Su, S., Chen, Z., Chen, C., Swenson, N.G., and McEwan. R.W. 2016. Functional composition drives ecosystem function through multiple mechanisms in a broadleaved subtropical forest. Oecologia. PDF
Eskelinen, A., Saccone, P., Spasojevic, M.J. and Virtanen, R. 2016. Herbivory mediates the long-term shift in the relative importance of microsite and propagule limitation. Journal of Ecology 104:1326-1334. PDF
Copeland, S.M., Harrison, S.P., Latimer, A.M., Damschen, E.I., Eskelinen, A.M., Fernandez-Going, B., Spasojevic, M.J., Anacker, B.L. and Thorne, J.H. 2016. Ecological effects of extreme drought on Californian herbaceous plant communities. Ecological Monographs 86:295–311. PDF
Spasojevic, M.J., Bahlai, C.A., Bradley, B.A., Butterfield, B.J., Tuanmu, M., Sistla, S., Wiederholt, R., and Suding, K.N. 2016. Scaling up the diversity-resilience relationship with remote sensing: large fires and productivity. Global Change Biology 22:1421-1432. PDF
Spasojevic M.J. and Myers, J.A. 2016. When does intraspecific trait variation influence beta-diversity across environmental gradients? Journal of Ecology 104:487-496. PDF
Farrer, E.C., Ashton, I.W., Spasojevic, M.J., Fu, S., Gonzalez, D.J.X., and Suding, K.N. 2015. Indirect effects of global change accumulate to alter plant diversity but not ecosystem function in alpine tundra. Journal of Ecology 103:351-360. PDF
Suding, K.N., Farrer, E.C., King, A., Kueppers, L., Spasojevic, M.J. 2015. Vegetation change at high elevation: scale dependence and interactive effects on Niwot Ridge. Plant Ecology and Diversity DOI: 10.1080/17550874.2015.1010189. PDF
Spasojevic, M.J., Yablon, Y.E., Oberle, B. and Myers, J.A. 2014. Ontogenetic trait variation influences tree community assembly across environmental gradients. Ecosphere 5(10):125. PDF
Spasojevic, M.J., Copeland, S., and Suding, K.N. 2014 Using functional diversity patterns to explore metacommunity dynamics: a framework for understanding local and regional influences on community structure. Ecography 37:939-949. PDF
Spasojevic, M.J., Harrison, S., Day, H.W. and Southard, R.J. 2014. Biotic interactions and belowground feedbacks facilitate plant movement into cooler environments. Ecology Letters 17:700-709
-Paper highlighted at Nature Climate Change: Friendly Neighbors by Alastair Brown
Spasojevic, M.J., Grace, J.B., Harrison, S. and Damschen, E.I. 2014. Functional diversity supports the physiological tolerance hypothesis for plant species richness along climatic gradients. Journal of Ecology 102:447-455. PDF
Spasojevic, M.J., Damschen, E.I., and Harrison, S. 2014. Patterns of seed dispersal syndromes on serpentine soils: examining the roles of habitat patchiness, soil infertility and correlated functional traits. Plant Ecology and Diversity 7:401-410. PDF
Spasojevic, M.J., Bowman, W.D., Humphries, H., Seastedt, T. and Suding, K.N. 2013. Changes in alpine vegetation over 21 years: are fine-scale patterns across a heterogeneous landscape consistent with predictions of change? Ecosphere 4(9):117 PDF
Hulshof, C.M., Violle, C., Spasojevic, M.J., McGill, B., Damschen, E.I., Harrison, S. and Enquist, B.J. 2013. Functional variation reveals the importance of abiotic and biotic drivers for species diversity across elevational and latitudinal gradients. Journal of Vegetation Science 24:921-931 PDF
Elmendorf, S.C., Henry, G.H.R., Hollister, R.D.,…Spasojevic, M.J.,…et al. 2012. Tundra vegetation change and recent climate warming: is there evidence from the plot scale? Nature Climate Change 2:453-457 PDF
Spasojevic, M.J. and Suding, K.N. 2012. Inferring community assembly mechanisms from functional diversity patterns: the importance of multiple assembly processes. Journal of Ecology 100:652-661 PDF
-Video interview:
Smith, J.G., Sconiers, W., Spasojevic, M.J., Ashton, I.W., and Suding, K.N. 2012. Phenological changes in alpine plants in response to increased snowpack, temperature, and nitrogen. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 44(1):135-142 PDF
Spasojevic, M.J. and Suding, K.N. 2011. Contrasting effects of hemiparasites on ecosystem processes: can positive litter effects offset the negative impacts of parasitism? Oecologia 165(1):193-200 PDF
Spasojevic, M.J., Aicher, R., Koch, G., Marquardt, E., Mirotchnick, N., Troxler, T., and Collins, S. 2010. Fire and grazing in mesic tallgrass prairie: impacts on plant species and functional traits. Ecology 91(6):1651-1659 PDF
Non peer-reviewed Publications
Spasojevic, M.J. and Harrison S. 2022, Plant functional trait data for serpentine and non-serpentine plants in the California Floristic Province, Dryad, Dataset,
Spasojevic, M.J. 2022, Pinyon Flats rainfall manipulation experiments: species composition and biomass, Dryad, Dataset,
Spasojevic, M.J. and Myers, J.A. 2015. Data from: When does intraspecific trait variation contribute to functional beta-diversity? Journal of Ecology doi:10.5061/dryad.rr4pm
Spasojevic, M.J. 2010. Book Review: Resource Strategies of Wild Plants by J.M. Craine. Journal of Vegetation Science 21(4):802-803